Topics Forums Crested Geckos Cricket Contest

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    • #1315

      Cait Durell
      Cricket Contest

      This is my beautiful, sweet & goofy boy Apollo! He is a Harlequin crested gecko with the blush trait. In this photo he was fired up & his blush is bright orange! He is so sweet & my favorite boy! ( shhh don’t tell the others 😉 )

    • #1320


      I know they’re not as popular.  But crested geckos are one of our personal favorites.  Apollo looks beautiful, and a little young (or you have Herculean hands lol).  Does Apollo have brothers or sisters?  Or any friends?

      • #1356

        Cait Durell

        Thank you! I am absolutely in love with crested geckos! I have done so much planning & research before even getting one. He is still a baby, he’s 11.6 grams right now 🙂 Yes he has a girlfriend (too young to breed right now, but once they mature I’m pairing them) named Reagan. I believe she is a Confetti Super Dalmatian, but time will tell once her red/orange spots brighten up with age!

    • #1327


      He is truly stunning.  Would you mind explaining a little what blush trait is?

      • #1358

        Cait Durell

        Thank you! 🙂

        Absolutely, the blush trait in a crested gecko is just red to maroon coloration around the cheeks and throat. In the picture you can see how red/orange his blush is under his throat & around his cheeks. The trait can be found in many different morphs ( colors, patterns, etc.) of crested geckos. Unfortunately photographing their blushing tends to “wash out” the true color of their blush. Like pictured above his blush is noticeable but not nearly as bright as it is in person. Sometimes in females their blush can appear pinkish/red 🙂

    • #1359


      OMG he is so stinking cute! 💜 I hope he wins, he’s adorable!

      • #1380

        Cait Durell

        Thank you! We could definitely use the crickets! Not only would Apollo & Reagan eat them, but my leopard gecko Echo enjoys crickets as well 🙂

    • #1360


      That is one cool lookin’ gecko. Never seen a crested gecko. He is really pretty

    • #1361


      Oh goodness, look at those big eyes! Too cute! Hope your little guy wins so he can be rewarded for all the cuteness 🥰

    • #1364


      Thank you for explaining about the blush.  Is blushing a voluntary response to something, or is that coloration stable all the time?  When you get a chance, could you post a picture of the future girlfriend so readers (and me) can see what a Confetti Super Dalmation looks like?

      • #1375

        Cait Durell

        A lot of crested geckos have the blushing. It may not be noticeable all the time, mainly when they are fired up ( awake & active) so their colors are darker and brighter. So when a crestie is fires up, the blushing shows ALOT & is very beautiful.

        And this is Reagan, his future girlfriend. I am not 100% sure yet if she is for sure a Confetti Super Dalmatian. A Confetti dalmatian is a Dalmatian that not only has black spots but also red spots possibly orangish spots as well. A Super Dalmatian is just a Dalmatian with 100 or more spots 🙂 Crested geckos colors brighten & show better (spots develop darker and more noticeable) as they mature. So 9/10 if a crested gecko looks really good as a baby, they are only going to look better as an adult.

    • #1638


      Cait Durell, congratulations!  With 23 Critter Golds, you are the official winner for the month of August 2019!  Be on the lookout for an email that contains your coupon code for free crickets.  This coupon code can be used 12 times.

      Hope Apollo enjoys them!

      • #1640

        Cait Durell

        Thank you! He definitely will! 🙂

    • #1641


      Congrats Cait!

      • #1642

        Cait Durell

        Thank you! Apollo will definitely be a happy boy, he loves his jumpy bugs. Lol His girlfriend & my leopard gecko will be happy to assist him in snacking 🙂

    • #1669


      Will Apollo and Miss Reagan be making little geckos any time soon?

      • #1672

        Cait Durell

        As soon as they are breeding size, Yes.

        I can not wait to see what their little babes will look like! 🙂

    • #1682


      When do you think the nuptials will begin?

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