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    • #577

      Cricket Contest

      Happy May Everyone! This is my Pacific chorus frog named Stahl. I found her along with four other Pacific chorus frogs while unloading a Christmas tree delivery truck originating from Oregon. To protect native populations of pacific chorus frogs from invasive diseases, California Fish and Game requests that hitch-hiking frogs such as Stahl be humanely put down to prevent them from entering California’s ecosystems. Instead of putting the frogs down, I homed them in a new terrarium. Stahl and her Pacific Chorus frog buddies enjoy munching on gut loaded crickets and hanging out on the leaves of the live plants in their tank.

    • #582


      love the story!  do they eat anything else besides crickets?  and are their croaks ever synchronized for a beautiful harmony lol

    • #679


      I love this story, and my six frogs do too! My pets are hungry. But I think you should win..+1 critter gold

    • #688


      Hey guys,

      So in the wild, Pacific Chorus Frogs will eat small spiders and insects. At the moment, I only feed them gut loaded crickets. Funny frog, it appears that your frog is also a PCF! A great reference to learn about Pacific Chorus Frogs comes from Oregon State University.


      • #692


        What type of husbandry do they require?  I know pixie frogs and pacman frogs need their habitat cleaned pretty frequently.  Are Pacific Chorus Frogs the same?

    • #693


      Pacific chorus frogs require significantly less tank maintenance in my opinion. Of course fresh water to soak in is a must however, the pacific chorus frog’s droppings are much smaller than the pacman or pixie frog. I will change their water daily while picking up their droppings about once a week. In addition, I will clean the inside glass of the vivarium once every two weeks or so. They currently live in an 18 x 18 x 24 tank.

      • #694


        That’s fascinating, do you use a bioactive substrate?  Do you have any pics of your habitat?

    • #735


      Greetings NJS, I really applaud your efforts at appropriate rescue.  Do you have a favorite site that provides information for others wanting to rescue and not euthanize? It would be wonderful if we could include a link or two in this forum.  More pictures are always welcome as well.

    • #1567


      I love your picture! I have some frogs too. Could you post  some more of Stahl and her buddies? My frogs also love gut loaded crickets…



    • #1569


      Yes, I am with funnyfrog!  Please do post some more pictures and any insights on reptile and amphibian rescuing that you would care to share.

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